Cannabis, Dutch, dan Budayanya Yang Menggelitik

Sebenarnya tulisan ini saya copy dari teman saya yang memang sedang bersekolah di Belanda. Karena isinya cukup menarik dan mendidik (kalo yang satu itu sih tergantung gimana yang baca :P) makanya saya postingin disini. Selamat membaca!

Toko yg menjual segala macam makanan dengan extra cannabis. Ada permen ganja, kue ganja, cookie, dll
--> Jadi, waktu hari kamis kemarin, gue belajar kelompok sama temen-temen di perpus. Nah, pas lagi belajar, gue ngeliat ada rak isinya brosur-brosur atau buklet-buklet buat siswa. Isinya pengarahan buat remaja tentang berbagai macam hal, mulai dari rokok, sex, drugs, cari kerja sambilan, sampai alkohol.
Dari sekian banyak buklet yg ada disitu, ada satu yg menarik perhatian gue.

Itu adalah: cannabis a.k.a hashish a.k.a. weed a.k.a rasta a.k.a GANJA~ beserta tips 'n saran yg penting dalam penggunaan yg benar.

Menurut gue tips-tipsnya ini lucu dan unik.
Mungkin karena gue ngeliat dari sudut pandang budaya yg berbeda? atau mngkin karena mereka sangat 'open' dengan hal-hal seperti ini? haha entahlah.
Tapi mungkin bisa aja bagi kalian yang baca ini, berpendapat ini biasa-biasa aja...

Bagaimana pun juga, gue tetep pengen sharing sama kalian disini hehe...
Oke, so here it is...


1. There are various types of cannabis; some are stronger than others. When you smoke for the first time you don't know your limits yet. That's why it is important to ask for information when you buy cannabis. *harap dibayangkan ya saudara-saudara sekalian, ini info buat pelajar disini. Segitu 'open'nya*

2. If you have little experience with cannabis, it's inadvisable to drink alcohol at the same time. *duh ya iyalah*

3. When cannabis is burnt, substances are released which are harmful to you health. Moreover, when you smoke cannabis with tobacco, you also run the risks associated with smoking tobacco.

4. Cannabis influences you power of concentration. Don't use it at school, at work, or on the road. *haha aneh banget kalo sampe stoned di sekolah*

5. If you take medicine, it is important to ask a doctor whether you can also smoke cannabis. Don't use cannabis when you're pregnant. *entar tumbuh ganja dari kepala anaknya*

6. If you want to try spacecake (kue dengan cannabis atau marijuana di dalamnya), mind that it takes 45 minutes to an hour and a half before it starts to produce an effect. Be patient and don't take another spacecake when you realized you've had too much, it's already too late.

7. Sometimes the effect of cannabis turns out rather badly. It can make you feel sick or frightened. Withdraw to a quiet place and eat or drink something sweet. Don't panic; you'll be past the worst in an hour.

8. Don't use cannabis to avoid problems. If you smoke every day, try to do a few days a week without. *gila, tuh orang pasti bau abis mulutnya klo ngeganja tiap hari*

9. Don't buy cannabis from street dealers. Go to a coffee shop where you can get good information. *fyi: 'coffee shop' di Holland itu beda sama coffee shop normal. ini cafe atau pub yang menjual ganja dengan legal dan dalam jumlah kecil*

10. Don't take any cannabis with you when you go abroad. *jelas, nanti yang ada malah dihukum mati kayak turis australia yang bawa cannabis ke Bali*

Final remark:

You can smoke cannabis on and off just for fun. You may even smoke every day, permanently losing touch with reality. Or you may decide not to. In the end, it's up to you whether you deal with cannabis in a sensible way or not.*what the hell?! dasar org belanda, paling nyantai soal beginian*
