Indonesian Pronoun
First person:
• Singular, ‘saya’, ‘aku’
• Plural: ‘kami’, ‘kita’
Second person:
• Singular: ‘kamu’, ‘engkau’ (’kau’), ‘saudara’, ‘anda’
• Plural: idem, ‘kalian’
Third person:
• Singular: ‘dia’, ‘ia’
• Plural: ‘mereka’
‘saya’ is usually used when we communicate with older/honored ones, like our teacher, lecturer, or boss. This form is usually used in formal occasions. ‘aku’ is more personal and casual than ‘saya’, Indonesians are more using it to talk with family, friends, relatives, and special person <3
‘kamu’ is not different with ‘aku’, we can hear both in everyday conversations. ‘engkau’ is less used but you can find it on poetry, novels, or songs.
‘saudara’ (lit.: brother) generally is acceptable form of polite address, ‘anda’ is increasingly used when addressing an impersonal audience e.g on public speeches, radio, or television.
‘aku’, ‘kamu’, and ‘dia’ have inclitic forms:
-ku, -mu, -nya, which can be used as possessive:
e.g rumah saya = rumahku ‘my house’, punya saya = punyaku ‘mine’; saya memanggil dia kemarin = saya memanggilnya kemarin ‘I called him yesterday’; also as object, direct or indirect; e.g dia sudah menelepon saya = dia sudah meneleponku ‘he has called me’
‘kita’, ‘kami’, ‘kalian’, ‘mereka’ can be used as possessive and as object also
e.g dia adalah kebanggaan kami ‘she is our proud’; kami akan mengunjungi kalian segera ‘we will meet you all soon’; kau sudah mencuri hak mereka ‘you have stolen their right’.
First person:
• Singular, ‘saya’, ‘aku’
• Plural: ‘kami’, ‘kita’
Second person:
• Singular: ‘kamu’, ‘engkau’ (’kau’), ‘saudara’, ‘anda’
• Plural: idem, ‘kalian’
Third person:
• Singular: ‘dia’, ‘ia’
• Plural: ‘mereka’
‘saya’ is usually used when we communicate with older/honored ones, like our teacher, lecturer, or boss. This form is usually used in formal occasions. ‘aku’ is more personal and casual than ‘saya’, Indonesians are more using it to talk with family, friends, relatives, and special person <3
‘kamu’ is not different with ‘aku’, we can hear both in everyday conversations. ‘engkau’ is less used but you can find it on poetry, novels, or songs.
‘saudara’ (lit.: brother) generally is acceptable form of polite address, ‘anda’ is increasingly used when addressing an impersonal audience e.g on public speeches, radio, or television.
‘aku’, ‘kamu’, and ‘dia’ have inclitic forms:
-ku, -mu, -nya, which can be used as possessive:
e.g rumah saya = rumahku ‘my house’, punya saya = punyaku ‘mine’; saya memanggil dia kemarin = saya memanggilnya kemarin ‘I called him yesterday’; also as object, direct or indirect; e.g dia sudah menelepon saya = dia sudah meneleponku ‘he has called me’
‘kita’, ‘kami’, ‘kalian’, ‘mereka’ can be used as possessive and as object also
e.g dia adalah kebanggaan kami ‘she is our proud’; kami akan mengunjungi kalian segera ‘we will meet you all soon’; kau sudah mencuri hak mereka ‘you have stolen their right’.
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